Friday, October 30, 2015

Welcoming Baby Bhiel

By Alon Calinao Dy: I was so depressed when we lost our first 3-month-old baby in the womb ( <----read the rest of the story here). I think every loving parent would feel the same way, too.

Our Christmas was so blue but then I found a source of strength.  I found God. We didn't stop praying each day, reciting the rosary prayer.

After 2 months, God did not let us down. He heard our solemn prayers as I did not expect He would give me a beautiful and a healthy baby girl. I always talked about how much happy I was when the first time I saw my moving baby during the ultrasound exam, performed by our OB-Gyne.

For a first time dad that had been longing to have a child, this was a greatest gift that God had given me. So my faith in Him became stronger and stronger and kept my eyes close for the Lord and opened them for all blessings I received from Him.

If before I felt so alone and sad, now I am so happy that I can't explain it. If before I had no energy, now I have loads of it. If before we blamed ourselves for what happened,  now we put everything to our Lord God. It's true that "everything is possible with God" if we just let him enter into our lives.

Yeah. I admit my heart was exploding with joy when I saw the clear image of my baby during the 3D & 4D ultrasound scans. She almost recopied her mom physically, my wife Gre Pearl. My wife enjoyed and was just smiling when I reminded her about their similar looks. My goodness, nothing left for me hehehe. She teased and told me the second child will be my closest look alike.

A week from now, I'm going to see my wife and her growing baby in the womb. I was away for a little time because I managed our family business in Samar while my parents lived in America.  Then another week, if God's will, I'm going to welcome my baby personally in this world full of love.

Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to change her dirty diapers at night. I would have sleepless nights just like nurses and doctors. I'm going to be her super dad, playmate, cook, teacher, and best friend. And if I live long as I want to be, I'll see to it that I'll always make her smile and teach her how to respect the poor and love God.

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