Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Tongue is An Indicator of a Stroke

By Alon Calinao Dy: A stroke is common nowadays as it can happen to anyone at anytime. It is often named as a "brain attack." It is a serious condition that leads an oxygen deprivation to your brain.If not given the needed care within 3 to 4 minutes, the brain may result in permanent damage.
Photo from Filipino Nurses

There are two types of strokes. The most common type of a stroke is Ischemic Stroke which accounts 80% of most hospitalized patients. The other type of a stroke is a less common but a more dangerous than the Ischemic Stroke, which is Hemorrhagic stroke. It only accounts 20 % of the hospitalized patients when a weakened blood vessel in the brain bleeds that often results in death if not given the right care immediately.

Other signs of a stroke include a feeling of confusion, slurred speech, sudden weakness or numbness in the face or limbs, severe headaches, visual problems, dizziness or loss of balance, and a slanting tongue.

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to distinguish. Recognizing stroke is an important way to save someone's life. The stroke victim may suddenly go down on the ground from a severe brain damage without seeing these symptoms. That's why you need to know the Basic Life Support (BLS) & Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) techniques to save the victim's life.

If the stroke victim is conscious, you can ask the person to stick his/her tongue. Usually, A tongue that comes out straight and doesn't move from side to side is a new indicator of stroke. This requires immediate medical assistance. Ask for help or transport the person directly to the Emergency Room Department.

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